
As someone deeply involved in coding interview preparation, I've found a unique and effective strategy to master LeetCode problems: using Anki, a flashcard application. This might sound unconventional, but let me share how this approach has revolutionized my learning process.

What is Anki?

Anki is a powerful flashcard app that employs spaced repetition. This learning technique, scientifically validated for its efficiency in long-term memory retention, schedules reviews at increasing intervals, ensuring that you remember what you learn for a longer time.

My Strategy with Anki for LeetCode

My approach is straightforward but effective: I try to solve every LeetCode problem that comes up. If I find myself needing to refer to someone else's solution, I mark the problem as "needs review" and revisit it after a few hours. This method helps me reinforce the concepts and strategies that initially challenged me.

Setting Up My Anki Deck for LeetCode

  1. Creating Cards: After solving a LeetCode problem, I create a corresponding flashcard in Anki. The front of the card typically includes the problem statement or the key concepts I need to remember.
  2. Back of the Cards: Interestingly, I don’t often use the backs of the cards for detailed solutions. Instead, they contain links to the problem solutions and discussions on LeetCode. This setup allows me to quickly access in-depth explanations or community insights if I need a refresher.
  3. Deck Source: I found an excellent Anki deck that aligns perfectly with my learning needs: LeetCode/NeetCode Anki Deck. A huge shoutout to the creator of this deck – it's been an invaluable resource in my preparation journey!
  4. Regular Review: Adhering to the spaced repetition schedule that Anki automatically creates is crucial. This disciplined approach ensures that I'm consistently reinforcing and building upon my understanding of various problems and concepts.

My Learning Tips

  • Understanding Over Memorization: It’s vital to understand a solution fully before marking it as learned. This depth of understanding is what helps me during interviews, not rote memorization.
  • Personal Notes and Hints: Adding my own hints or notes to the flashcards makes the learning process more personalized and effective.
  • Active Recall: I actively try to recall the solution from memory before checking the back of the card. This practice significantly boosts my memory retention.
  • Embracing Variations: Including different solutions to a problem helps me understand the versatility and adaptability required in problem-solving.


Using Anki for LeetCode has not just prepared me for coding interviews; it has deepened my understanding of computer science fundamentals. It's a strategy that requires consistency and dedication, but the results are immensely rewarding. I encourage anyone looking to enhance their coding skills to give this method a try – it might just be the game-changer you need.

How I Master LeetCode Problems Using Anki: A Personal Journey